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You have found us in the middle of getting ready for the conversation about politics and policies and action YOU can take to get things changed by We the People!
Most political sites are based on telling you what the other party is doing and how to fight against it, and especially collecting a few dollars from you to support the fight against [insert emotional issue here].

On Progressive Wisdom, we plan to inform, and debunk, to assist, and show you how to push your ideas to the people who make a difference.

Yes, we may eventually setup some ads on the site to help defray the cost of running a site like this, but you can ignore them if you want.  We'll try not to let them get out of hand...

This site has the words "Progressive" and "Wisdom", and we mean it.  So, let us define these two words:

1.  favoring or advocating progress, change, improvement, or reform, as opposed to wishing to maintain things as they are, especially in political matters:
a progressive mayor.
1.  the quality or state of being wise; knowledge of what is true or right coupled with just judgment as to action; sagacity, discernment, or insight.
This is our name, and our guiding concept.

The goals we will set for bringing information to you through this site are based on bringing American Citizens back into a place of bipartisan action toward improving the country for everyone.
We may post notices about petitions, protests, broadcasts we think are meaningful to the discussions, and certainly how to move forward with your congress person to request change or a steady path.

One thing we need to do as we move forward together; we must stand together, and not let the forces of corporate pressure divide us against each other again!

A Contract With the People

The Progressive Party, in 1912, had this booklet to show what their issues and solutions were.
The issues are hauntingly familiar to the ones we face today, over 100 years later; the face of our government is scarred by the corporate influences, and poor policies created by corrupt politicians.  We should ALL read this PDF and see how similar the situation was in 1912 in comparison to our situation today...

Read the PDF

We Shall Be Indivisible!

Tactics of corporate money, and control as been a divider of us as a country.  It has put forth divisive issues that are emotional, and it has been done specifically to keep us involved in these visceral issues, and to ignore what is happening to Our country.  We must not be divided any longer!  Party is NOT more important than country.  Let's find the issues that we can agree on and make progress in those areas first, and make the rest fall in line with a level of liberty that is overwhelmingly wanted by ALL of us.

The Tea Party provided us with a much needed tool.  The way to get things done. provides what we need to repeat the successes of making our representatives listen to us. 

Our Revolution Starts NOW!

There is a strong feeling that Bernie Sanders would have been an awesome President.  The DNCs shenanigans, and the Primaries being slanted toward Hillary Clinton made a lot of people so angry, they voted for Trump.  Well, now we have this mess to clean up, but Bernie's issues are still real issues, and we still have to get some results.  If we let the government get away from us, it will be a lot harder to get it back later.  So, let's do the Revolution now, and not complain about how things could have been better...

Go Read About It